"Grizzly Mama"

a grizzly mamma and her cub! momma bear 'Ginny' is 18" long and her wee cub Gigi is 9". Ginny is made of a particularly 'grizzly' looking faux fur and Gigi is made of vintage shaded alpaca. both have leather paw pads, claws, eyelids and sculpted leather noses. both bears are full articulated with complete spines and 14 joints. (they have joints in all the places real bears do) this is my first ever realistic bear/cub vignette and I'm really quite pleased with the results. I've continued to experiment with armatures with these two, and although I'm not really into getting really detailed as far as 'anatomically correct' goes with my bears, I felt that nursing was central to the theme of motherhood I wanted this piece to evoke, so I did do some further research and gave Ginny a bears requisite 6 nipples on her chest & belly (now try googling 'bear breasts' - or nursing bears - and just see how far you get ;-)

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