Emmett P. McGillicuddy

Meet Emmett P. McGillicuddy. . . out for a picnic on a sunny fall day. Emmett is 12" tall, cut from Schulte feathered mohair, with trapunto leather paw pads, a leather nose, leather claws and German glass eyes. Emmett has a triple-jointed neck, rod-jointed shoulders, disk jointed hips, and additional joints at elbows, wrists, knees and ankles. Emmett wears striped trousers cut from Hugo Boss wool suiting fabric, a Tattersall wool challis vest lined with checked cotton, a yellow calico collar with striped silk tie, and a leather top hat with a spotted yellow feather. Emmett comes with his model sailboat, a tin lunchbox lined with a gingham cloth and filled with a cupcake, a croissant and a matching thermos, along with his favorite teddy bear book and a few colored pencils to scribble with. . . (wooden box not included. Emmett always stands nicely, or sits on the edge of shelf )
